Special enrollment in California

Normally open enrollment start from November 1 of current year until January 31 of the following year.

You qualify for a special enrollment period if you have a certain life event.

You generally have 60 days from the date of your qualifying life event to enroll for health coverage or change your plan.
In most cases, you need to have proof of your life event.
In some cases, you have 60 days before and 60 days after your qualifying life event to apply for coverage or change your plan.

Examples include:

Loss of mininum essential health coverage

Changes in employer health coverage making you eligible for a premium tax credit

Determination by Covered California of exceptional circumstances

You may have more than one event. Choose the one with the best plan effective date for you.

Qualifying Events:

Loss of minimum essential health coverage: For loss of minimum essential health coverage, the date of your event is the last full day of coverage under your previous plan.

Gaining, becoming, or losing a dependent, or death of a subscriber or a dependent

Child support order or other court order to cover a dependent

Permanent relocation with access to new plans

Change in employer health coverage making you eligible for a premium tax credit

Determination by Covered California of exceptional circumstances

Eligibility to purchase an individual health plan through an individual coverage health reimbursement arrangement (ICHRA) or a qualified small employer health reimbursement arrangement (QSEHRA)

Domestic violence or spousal abandonment occurring within the household

Discontinuation of employer contribution to COBRA premium

Release from incarceration

Misinformation about your enrollment in minimum essential coverage

Provider network changes

Contract violation

Eligibility for app-based transportation or delivery network company health care stipend

Change in immigration status

Coverage as an American Indian/Native Alaskan

Change in income changing your eligibility for federal financial assistance

Monthly Special Enrollment Period (SEP) for low-income subscribers
Paid penalty for not having health coverage.