Households with Mixed Immigrants Households Status

A mixed immigration status household refers to households with members of different immigration and citizenship statuses. These households may have both members who are not eligible to apply for and enroll in Marketplace coverage and members who are lawfully present and therefore eligible for Marketplace coverage.

Family members who are not lawfully present, including those who are undocumented, can apply for Marketplace coverage on behalf of other family members who are lawfully present; this can be done without providing a Social Security number (SSN) or other proof of lawful presence. The Marketplace collects citizenship and immigration information only from household members who are applying for coverage to determine consumers’ eligibility for health coverage options. Agents and brokers should not ask consumers applying on the behalf of others any questions about their citizenship or immigration status. This information is not relevant to the eligibility determination of the enrollee. 

Individuals in mixed immigration households may also apply for coverage through the Marketplace and be found eligible for advance payments of the premium tax credit (APTC) or income-based cost-sharing reductions (CSRs), Medicaid, or the Children’s Health Insurance Program

Federal and state Marketplaces and state Medicaid and CHIP agencies can’t require applicants to provide information about the citizenship or immigration status of any family or household members who aren’t applying for coverage.

States also can’t deny benefits to an applicant because a family or household member who isn’t applying hasn’t disclosed his or her citizenship or immigration status.